To Become Proficient:

Answer these Questions:  
1. What do you hope to learn and be able to do by the end of this class?  
 - I hope to become proficient in music composition as I would like to go to college for it 
2. What is motivating you to take this subject?
 - My passion for creating and writing music 

I will start the day with ear training by going through intervals and scales for about 10 minutes. Afterwards, I will work on alternating days working on non harmonic tones, cadences, chords, and progressions. after working on the review for 20 or so minutes, I'll begin the working/working on the unit and work ahead planned for that day. Then upon getting home, I will additionally work on review for about 10 minutes then the unit for an additional 20 because I have access to composition software.


Sunday: 15 min ear training intervals, 15 min Comp.

Monday: 10 min ear training, rest of the time comp.

Tuesday: Take review Notes 20, ear training, comp.

Wednesday: Notes for 15, ear training scales, comp

Thursday: Ear training chords 15, comp

Friday: Ear training 10 min, notes for 10, comp