UNIT 10 Title

Jimdo unit 17
Jimdo unit 17

Secondary Dominants

A secondary dominant chord is the chord that is borrowed from the V of the current key that is being used. So for example if I wanted a V/V chord in C. The V of C is G. The V chord of G Consists of D, F sharp, and A. My V/V would be that D chord.


  1. What is modulation? - Modulation is a key change from one key to the other. 

  2. Why would modulation be used in a composition? - Modulation is usually used in pieces to add variety and make it seem less boring. 

  3. What types of modulations are there? - There are three types of modulation: Direct, where is changes key with no preparation, Parallel: Where it changes the mode with out changing the root, and Pivot Chords: Where a chord that both keys use is used.  

  4. What listening clues heard in the Rainbow Connection indicate a modulation? - The Sudden shift in mood and pitch

  5. Cite the time of the change and provide the lyric location - The location is at 2:09 when he says "Have you been half asleep?"