UNIT 12 Title

Movement 1 


Pitch- Lower register

Rhythm- Call and answer 

Dynamics- Forte in the first part, piano when singers join

Tempo- Allegro > Largo

Texture- Polyphonic

Timbre- Forte

Form- ABC

Purpose- Introduction  

Harmony- After fanfare, polyphony occurs then it returns to homophony 

Melody- The melody moves from the trumpets to the soprano voice. 

Expression- Expository

Mood- Bright

Language- Clear 

Style- Fanfare.


Movement 2


Pitch- Begins with women on the higher pitches, then enters men

Rhythm- Men start after the second beat

Dynamics- Piano > Forte

Tempo- Slow, moveable 

Texture- Monophonic, occasionally homophonic 

Timbre- one melody at a time, sometimes a accompaniment 

Form- A B C D...

Purpose- Ver mournful and expressive 

Harmony- occasionally underlines  

Melody- Voices 

Expression- Telling a story 

Mood- Somber 

Language- long 



Movement 3


Pitch- All over the place 

Rhythm- robust, confusing  

Dynamics- Starts loud, calms down 

Tempo-The tempo changes rapidly 

Texture- Polyphonic

Timbre- The way they pronounce notes and words are more gentle and it is the harmonies that make certain parts more rubbing.

Form- A B C D

Purpose- More of a chaotic part 

Harmony- Some of the harmony sounds like seconds in the frantic part the other parts the harmonies seem to flow along with the melody.

Melody- Melody is very polyphonic with many different voices going at one time 

Expression- Chaotic but then calms down 

Mood- Changes from intense to emotional


Movement 4


Rhythm- Men begin before the women

Dynamics- Pianissimo 

Tempo- Dragged along

Texture- Harmonizing voices, trumpets play underneath 

Timbre-Stretched out 

Purpose- To end the piece. 

Harmony-between the four voice parts and between the Brass

A.  How confident are you in the predicted outcome of the written analysis?  20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or 100%


B.   How ‘theory smart’ do you feel after identifying the terms in the article? 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or 100%


C.  On a scale from 1-10, about how much effort/time did you put into this exam?


D.  What part(s) did you find most challenging?  Easiest?

I found most challenging having to pull so much analysis and terms out of the piece. Though being able to identify it when I knew exactly what I was going to say while listening to the song


Assessment Framework

Total Point=117

  • Answer Key=57

  • Reflective Questions=20

  • Article Vocabulary=20

  • Article Listening=20


Final Reflection

Step 1

  • Review the Benchmark Goals you set for yourself in Unit 1; What is it that you hope to know and/or be able to do at the conclusion of the course?  

A.  Comment on your semester achievements in relation to your initial goals

Beginning in the semester I had really wanted to start writing music and I had lacked the tools to do so. Through out the semester I was able to get a feel of how writing music would be and intern learned the tools necessary 

B.  How well did you achieve your goal?  What goals were met?  What goals were not met?

I think I achieved my role extremely well. I can now take what I have learned and start even next week, writing and recording. 

C.  How well did you avoid sources of interference to stay on task?

 I avoided sources of interference moderately well. I think my main trouble was talking and discussing with Cory not that it was his fault, more so mine. 

Step 2

  • Review the 3 Music Literacy Benchmark Assessments located in Unit 1 and try to answer the questions again in your mind

A.  Comment on the status of your current comfort level with this material relative to the past

In the past I wasn't as comfortable with the material and only new a small margin of music theory. Now I am extremely more comfortable with the material even though I have much more to learn.

B.  How well did you achieve what you set out to learn?

I think I achieved the concepts extremely well considering what I set out to do. 

C.  What concepts were achieved?  What concepts remain a mystery?

I would think all concepts are achieved very well to a certain extent. I think Im still having some trouble on chord progressions and such.


Step 3

  • Review your Unit 1 Self Regulation Inventory & Work Habits 

A.  Comment on how you addressed the weaknesses you identified and/or how you overcame challenges in regards to achieving success this semester

Considering this is a subject I was really dedicated on learning, I think I overcame a few of my challenges such as procrastination and interrupting my work.  

B.  Reassess the 32 true/false statements for the Self Regulation Inventory.  Compare your current ratio to your initial one.

My old ratio was 7 false, 25 true. Now I would think its 5 false, 27 true.

C.  How would you approach the process differently if you had another opportunity to learn in this manner?

I feel like I would ask more questions and maybe take even more notes. 

D.  What have you learned about learning?

That self motivated learning is difficult. I never realized how difficult if would be to sit my self down and say "do it"

E.  How does what you learned relate to other things you have been learning or have experienced?

 What I learned relates to what I was leaning during guitar lessons and in band

F.  How has your thinking about your thinking(metacognition)changed?

 My thinking about my thinking has changed to be more organized. 

Step 4

  • Complete the Work Habits Self Assessment either in Notability or paper version to reflect the second half of this semester


Step 5

  • Briefly review the assignments you have submitted for Units 7-12

A.  Comment on the quality of work reflected in your ePortfolio as well as the content of your manilla folder

I feel like my work in my ePortfolio and folder could be more organized and a little bit less messy. Especially my ePortfolio I feel like I could have divided my sections a bit better. 

B.  Did you modify your approach for the second part of the semester or repeat your approach from the first part?

I feel like my approach in the second semester was more planned out though I feel like I could have set my due dates a bit better.


Step 6

  • Answer the following questions regarding the future use of the course material

  1. Identify 3 of the most important concepts or skills you learned in this course

Modes, Four Part Writing, and Scales

  1. Explain why you perceive these concepts or skills to be important

These concepts are important because They will further aid in what I am doing Musically 

  1. How do you anticipate using these concepts or skills in the future?

 I definitely will be using these concepts in band and when writing music.

Step 7

  • Please provide some advice and words of wisdom for students taking this course in the future

 Set sue dates for yourself and make sure you apply what your doing in whatever your doing musically.

Step 8

  • Please help us sculpt future classes by providing feedback, suggestions, etc. related to Unit Content, Alfred, Wix, Whipple Hill, ePortfolio, Work Flow, etc. 

I thought that Alfred was extremely helpful and taking notes from there. Another thing that was extremely helpful was composing at the end of each unit.