Four Part Writing

(Click 'show answers' to find answers)

Second Attempt 

Peer Assessment 

1. Matching

Contrary Motion One voice doesn’t move, the other movies

Parallel Motion Two voices move in similar motion by the same amount

Oblique Motion Same direction

Similar Motion Different/Opposite ways

2. What should you NOT do in four part writing

  1. Double the bass

  2. Write parallel octaves

  3. cry on the floor

  4. write in first inversions

3. What is not allowed to be parallel?

  1. The 5th

  2. The 6th

  3. The 2nd

  4. The 4th

4. When the chord is in first inversion, you should double the _______

5. When the chord is in the second inversion, you should double the _______

6. You should not

  1. Cross tones

  2. Yell at your composition

  3. double the soprano

  4. Use Soprano, Tenor, Alto, and Bass

7. Tenor stems face

  1. Upwards

  2. Downwards

8. Tenor stems face

  1. Upwards

  2. Downwards

Answer Key

2. What should you NOT do in four part writing

b. Write parallel octaves

3. What is not allowed to be parallel?

  1. The 5th

4. When the chord is in first inversion, you should double the __Soprano_____

5. When the chord is in the second inversion, you should double the ___Bass____

6. You should not

  1. Cross tones

7. Soprano stems face

  1. Upwards

8. Tenor stems face

  1. Downwards

9. Alto stems face

  1. Upwards

10. Bass stems face

  1. Downwards


I think as I wrote more and studied it, four part writing came a little bit more natural. When writing I was able to retain in the back of my mind aspects such as excluding parallel fifths and octaves, not crossing tones, and always checking my pitches. Though its still very frustrating when I go back through my writing and find a parallel fifth or eighths considering this will usually screw up the rest of my piece. Though even just finishing a piece is extremely rewarding considering the amount of frustration and work with finale that goes into it.